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Drama production raises £2000 for Alzheimer’s research

A drama production sponsored by NCMH has raised over £2000 for Alzheimer’s Research UK.

The stage adaptation of Sir Terry Pratchett’s novel Mort was performed at The Gate Arts Centre in Cardiff by the Monstrous Productions Theatre Company, and directed by former NCMH field team member Amy Davies.

The success of the play, which is the second by the company to receive sponsorship from NCMH, brings the total raised for Alzheimer’s Research UK by Monstrous Productions to over £5000.

Almost 600 people watched the production during its four-day run, and it received several positive reviews.

“A definite crowd-pleaser and a non-profit production besides, Mort is a wonderful example of a cast that can back up their enthusiasm with solid performances and a wicked sense of humor” said David Gazet of local news website The Cardiffian, while Cardiff youth website The Sprout said: “There is something for everyone in this play, with its hilarious one-liners, excellent comic timing from the entire cast, loyalty to the original book, and the interesting use of audience participation.”

The company now intends to stage an adaptation of a third Pratchett novel, Wyrd Sisters, later in 2014.

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National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
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