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Do you care?

The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) has launched a new campaign to recognise the immense contribution of the thousands of mental health carers across Wales.

Do you care? aims to get people sharing stories about their experiences as mental health carers, or for individuals themselves to say how their partner, family member or friend has gone the extra mile in helping them deal with a mental health problem.

“The dedication and support of carers can play a significant role in helping people manage their symptoms or recover from their illness” said Professor Ian Jones, Director of NCMH. “We want to highlight this vital, but all to often overlooked contribution by asking people to share their stories and celebrate carers.”

Mair Norling spent seven years caring her for husband Clive, a former international rugby referee, who battled with clinical depression.

Mair has spoken candidly about her husband’s mental health problems, as well as her experience caring for him:

“The hardest moment was when we spent Christmas at the Priory Clinic in Bristol. On Christmas evening Clive asked me ‘will I be over this by next Christmas?’”

“And, having to be positive, of course I said ‘yes’. But the truth of the matter was that I didn’t know if he’d be over it.”

“Being a carer for someone with a mental health issue was a very lonely and very isolating place, and often I feel like carers are overlooked and dismissed. I hope this campaign will go a small way to giving cares a voice and making them feel valued”.

“Mair was my rock” said Clive, who has now recovered from his illness. “She walked the walk with me and without her I wouldn’t be here today”.

“I’m continually humbled by the dedication of carers like Mair” added Professor Jones “I hope that through this project we can find more Mairs and give them the recognition they so truly deserve”.

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National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales | Privacy Policy