Postpartum psychosis and bipolar disorder in pregnancy

Together we can make a difference

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Understanding postpartum psychosis

This project aims to look at how genes and environmental factors interact and make some women more likely than others to experience postpartum psychosis. 

As every woman's experience of postpartum psychosis is different, we need thousands of women to take part in this study.

Bipolar, pregnancy and childbirth

We are working with the University of Worcester to find out more about the factors that make some women with bipolar disorder more or less likely to experience episodes of illness in relation to childbirth. We hope this research will lead to better prediction and treatments for these episodes. 

For this study we are looking for women with bipolar disorder who are currently pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning study (PREP)

We are working with Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) to develop a new guide to aid decision making related to pregnancy and the postpartum period.

We would like women with lived experience of bipolar disorder and/or postpartum psychosis to help us develop and test the guide. 

:Together we can make a difference

The National Centre for Mental Health is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales.