Postpartum psychosis research

Learn more how you can help us make a difference

Dr Sally Wilson

APP National Training & Research Coordinator

"We do know a lot more than we used to about postpartum psychosis, but we need to know more about why it happens to certain women. If we can identify better those who are at risk, know how best to recover from postpartum psychosis, and importantly, disseminate the evidence, then not only can we make this time less traumatising for all involved, ultimately, we can save lives."

Professor Ian Jones

Director of NCMH

"We need to understand things better for the huge number of women who experience postpartum psychosis. There are few things tougher than experiencing an episode of postpartum psychosis in those early days after having a baby. 

"We need as many people as possible to take part to help us make a difference for all those affected by postpartum psychosis."

Together we can make a difference

The National Centre for Mental Health is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales.