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Help with our maternal mental health research

About this study

It is important to consider factors that may have an effect in pregnancy and in the first year after childbirth.

At NCMH we are trying to understand more about how life experiences impact on maternal wellbeing and mental health during this period.

If you decide to take part, we will ask you to provide us with some basic information about yourself, your mental health, wellbeing and your past experiences. There is no obligation to take part and you do not need to answer any questions that you find upsetting.

We also want to identify people who would be willing to be approached about taking part in future mental health research projects.

If you are happy to take part in this study please visit our online survey platform to get started.


What will I have to do?

Taking part is voluntary: it’s up to you to choose if you want to sign up.

If you join us, you’ll be asked whether you would be willing to:

  1. Provide us with your contact details (e.g. address, email address and phone number) and some personal information (e.g. date of birth, ethnic group, and employment status).
  2. Answer some questions about your wellbeing, current or recent pregnancy, mental health, and your life experiences. This will take approximately 25-35 minutes.
  3. If recruited in pregnancy, allow us to contact you for follow up questionnaires one month after your due date and at six months and twelve months after your due date.
  4. If recruited postnatally, allow us to contact you for follow up questionnaires within six months’ and twelve months’ time.
  5. Be contacted every 6-12 months or so following this by the study team, to invite you to provide more information about your mental and physical health and your lifestyle.
  6. Allow us to contact you in the future about other studies that you may want to take part in. There will be no obligation for you to take part in these future opportunities.
  7. Allow us to share anonymous information with other researchers if they have scientific and ethical approval for the questions that they would like to answer.

We will use your answers to improve our understanding of the impact of life experiences on maternal wellbeing & mental health.

Please visit the NCMH website for information on organisations that you can call if you need some support.

Once you have joined, you can choose if you want to take part in any of the questionnaires, or studies, that we tell you about when we get in touch with you.



Looking for more information first? We’ve put together the answers to some frequently asked questions.

If you are happy to take part in this study please visit our online survey platform to get started.


National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales | Privacy Policy