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Barbara’s story

Barbara is a Perinatal Peer Mentor based in Cardiff. She is a keen swimmer, baker, and owner of a golden-cocker spaniel, Bailey. This is her story:

After having both of my children I developed postpartum psychosis and spent time in a mother and baby unit. Eight years later I became unwell again and after two further episodes was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Since then I have been an active campaigner and was involved in the development and establishment of a new mother and baby unit in Tonna Hospital in 2017.

I volunteered with the charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) for a few years which led me explore a career in peer mentoring.

I absolutely love my job and wish it had been available to me all those years ago.

I work within a great team, even alongside my original perinatal consultant.

I have turned what was a bad situation for me into an extremely positive one that benefits others each day.

It is important for me to use my experience to raise awareness, and have done this through speaking at various conferences and events and featuring in Wales Online and Radio 4.

I believe it is so important to share lived experiences, and I hope that this research will help to raise awareness of postpartum psychosis which will hopefully lead to quicker diagnoses and bring more funding to the mental health sector.

Tell us something we don’t know about you?

I bought an old VW beetle at 17 years old and restored it with the help of my dad!


National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
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