Emma’s story
Emma is a 27-year-old actress, songwriter, and psychiatric nurse student from London. This is her story:
I was first diagnosed with panic disorder and depression before eventually receiving a Bipolar type two diagnosis, which led me to discover the NCMH through Bipolar UK.
My diagnosis means that I’ve experienced some awful lows and unbelievable highs. Managing my mental health is a daily effort, and it can be so hard to keep going when it feels like your mind is working against you, but in the long it is always worth it.
I hope mental health research improves people’s quality of life, and in the long-term minimises suffering.
I’d thoroughly recommend getting involved with mental health research, it paves the way for future generations to benefit from better treatment and diagnosis. Plus, it doesn’t require much effort.
In my spare time I enjoy walking my miniature dachshund, and I also love dancing!
Tell us something about you that not many people know
I taught myself Korean during lockdown, 아녕하새요