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Thank you

Thank you for consenting to provide a biological sample for the NCMH study. Our team will use the contact information you provided previously to send you a sample collection pot in the post.

If you think your address may have changed since we were last in touch with you, please get in contact with the team using the details below to update this information:


Telephone: 029 2068 8401

Thank you for taking part in the research. Without people generously giving their time, we wouldn’t be able to do the important work we are doing to improve understanding of the factors that contribute towards mental illness. Your contribution is invaluable.

Stay in touch

We would love to stay in touch and ultimately build a community of engaged individuals across Wales and beyond to fly the flag for mental health research and help us challenge stigma and misunderstanding. There are a variety of ways you can help us do this, including:

Hafal Clic

Clic provides people in Wales with a mental illness and their carers with a safe and secure place online to support each other, share experiences and build new relationships. The site also signposts to useful information, contacts, resources and local services. Visit to sign up.

NCMH Resources

We also have a number of resources you may find useful.


National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales | Privacy Policy