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Help with our Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder research

About this study

We are trying to understand how an individual’s genes and environment can help identify individuals at risk of psychiatric disorders associated with reproductive events, such as the menstrual cycle.

Our long-term aim is to help improve the current approach to diagnosis, prevention, treatment and support for individuals who are experiencing/have experienced Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)/severe Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

If you decide to take part, we will ask you to provide us with some information about you, your menstrual cycle and your mental health in order to help us answer these important research questions.

We also want to identify people who would be willing to be approached about taking part in further mental health research projects.

We need as many people as possible to take part.

What will I have to do?

Taking part is voluntary: it’s up to you to choose if you want to sign up. 

If you join us, you’ll be asked whether you would be willing to: 

  1. Provide us with your contact details (e.g. address, email address and phone number) and some personal information (e.g. date of birth, ethnic group and employment status). 
  2. Answer some questions about your experiences of PMDD/severe PMS and the care and support you have received. This will take approximately 20-25 minutes. 
  3. Allow us to contact you to invite you to take part in daily mood and sleep tracking over two consecutive menstrual cycles (for around two months). 
  4. Allow us to contact you in the future about other studies that you may want to take part in. There will be no obligation for you to take part in these future opportunities.
  5. Allow us to contact you every 6-12 months, to invite you to provide more information about your mental and physical health and your lifestyle.
  6. Allow us to share anonymous information with other researchers if they have scientific and ethical approval for the questions that they would like to answer. 

We will use your answers to improve our understanding of mental illness and help find better treatments in the future.  

Once you have joined, you can choose if you want to take part in any of the questionnaires, studies, or events that we tell you about when we get in touch with you.  


Looking for more information first? We’ve put together the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Take part

Please click here to participate in our research. 

Animation: What is PMDD?


National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales | Privacy Policy