Some of the questions in this survey might have made you feel sad, worried or angry.
If you are feeling very sad, worried or angry you should talk to someone you trust. This could be your family, friends, support staff or doctor.
There are also organisations that can give you help and information.
- You can phone the Wales Learning Disability Helpline at Mencap Cymru on 0808 8000 300. Or you can send them a message on their website here.
- You can phone the Down’s Syndrome Association helpline on 0333 1212 300. Or you can email them:
- Parents and families can phone the All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers on 029 2081 1120. Or you can send them a message on their website here.
- There is lots of easy read information about coronavirus on the Learning Disability Wales website.
The following organisations also offer free listening, emotional support and information services: