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Planning your pregnancy

A guide for women with bipolar or previous postpartum psychosis to read and personalise

Women with bipolar or previous postpartum psychosis have shared their experiences and opinions with us on what would help them during pregnancy and childbirth. Professionals who work with women during pregnancy and childbirth took part in interviews about the information women need.

Experts and Peer Supporters from the national charities Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) and Bipolar UK and experts from the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH), Cardiff University have helped develop the information that is included in the guide.

Below you will find a downloadable version of the guide and a separate downloadable version of the interactive ‘About me’ sections. These are interactive sections dotted throughout the guide, filled with questions to answer about yourself.


National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

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