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Would you like to include the public in your research?

Are you applying to the Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB) scheme from Health and Care Research Wales? Don't miss the chance to involve people with lived experience in your project.

The public involvement group Partnership in Research (PÂR) is running a free online clinic for researchers seeking lived-experience perspectives for their applications to the Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB) scheme from Health and Care Research Wales.

PÂR gives people with lived experience a voice in shaping mental health research in partnership with researchers. Members either have experience of a mental health condition themselves or care for a family member or friend who has.

The clinic is free of charge to researchers applying for the RfPPB scheme and will take place on Tuesday 5 October 2021, 2pm – 4pm.

Researchers are invited to present research ideas or draft research proposals to the group in order to receive a lived experience perspective on their research plans.

How the clinics work:

  • Researchers will need to complete a Researcher Request Form by 1 October 2021 to attend the clinic and have their project discussed by the group.
  • Please be specific about any particular issues you want advice about.
  • It will be chaired either by one of the PÂR leads or the academic lead, but will not be minuted. It will be up to the researchers or the research team to take away from the meetings the things that they find useful.
  • The session will be informal and supportive.

Please contact to register for the session.

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Mike Owen

Mike is the Communications Officer for NCMH and the Division of Psychological Medicine at Cardiff University.

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