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National student mental health project comes to Cardiff

Nurture-U is a national research project that is finding better ways to support university students with their wellbeing and mental health. An online survey is currently open to students at Cardiff.

The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) is leading the project at Cardiff University, which has partnered with five other universities: Oxford, Exeter, King’s College London, Newcastle and Southampton.

The goal is to understand and promote student mental health and wellbeing in universities. The project team aim to involve over 5000 students in this detailed examination of student wellbeing.

Cardiff psychology students Sidsel Koop and Sam Ball are working on the project as part of their course placement at NCMH.

“For students at Cardiff, this is your chance to have your say,” said Sidsel.

“The information collected will help us understand what difficulties and problems students are having,” Sam added.

It is hoped that the survey findings will help guide and improve services and resources, so they work for all students.

Take part

All students at Cardiff University are invited to take part in the survey.

Any students in need of support should visit as their first port of call.

Dr. Sarah Rees

Dr. Sarah Rees is the public involvement lead at the National Centre for Mental Health.

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National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

+44 (0)29 2068 8401
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